Company: Dukepolytech Corporation 
Business Nature:   Dukepolytech Corporation_logo
Country/Region: United States USA 
Hall No.: W2 
Zone No.:
Booth No.: W2.G28 

Profile in English:
Dukepoly, founded in 2004 in the Silicon Valley area of northern California, USA, specialize in emulsion synthesis, surface chemistry and polymer film forming technology research. The company has excellent nano-micro-ball polymerization technology, and creates a multi-colorpaint professional services team. "Environmental protection" and "functional" emulsion will serve as the company's strategic direction, to provide you with high quality service and customized, all-round solution!

Classification of Exhibits:
  • 1 Raw Materials For Coating, Inks & Adhesives
  •   1.1 Resins & Binders
  •   1.1.02 Acrylic Resins
  •   1.1.05 Polyurethanes
  •   1.1.06 Silicone Resins
  •   1.1.21 Functional Resins
  • 1.1.20 Other Resins & Binders