Company: UltraTech Asia Limited 
Business Nature: Manufacturer  UltraTech Asia Limited_logo
Country/Region: United States USA 
Hall No.: W3 
Zone No.:
Booth No.: W3.J01 

Profile in English:

UltraTech, a US based company, was founded in the early 90¡¯s.  The main business unit of the company, the Advanced Technology Group (ATG), always seeks the newest and exciting technologies that are being developed throughout the world.  The Superhy drophobic coating,Ultra-EverDry, create a surface chemistry and texture which can repel water,some oils, and even wet concrete.  Gentoo,is a clear hydrophobic coating, with high performance in abrasion resistance and durability.  Both coatings can be used in various special applications.

Classification of Exhibits:
  • 5 Coatings, Inks & Allied Products
  •   5.6 Functional & Smart Coatings & Inks
  •   5.7 Nanotechnology