Company: The Shepherd Color Company 
Business Nature:   The Shepherd Color Company_logo
Country/Region: United States USA 
Hall No.: W1 
Zone No.:
Booth No.: W1.H44 

Profile in English:
The Shepherd Color Company, a manufacturer of complex inorganic color pigments, will showcase innovative products at CHINACOAT. 
DYNAMIX® is a breakthrough in dry dispersion pigment technology with outstanding performance. Just stir them in! 

Arctic® IR reflective pigments improve product durability and performance by lowering heat build-up. Used in exterior building & construction applications. 

StarLight® special effect pigment is used for unsurpassed sparkle and brilliance to create dramatic effects to impress and enhance every possible application.

Classification of Exhibits:
  • 1 Raw Materials For Coating, Inks & Adhesives
  •   1.2 Pigments & Extenders
  •   1.2.03 Inorganic Colour Pigments