Official Publication
China Coatings Journal


Asia Pacific is the world's fastest growing coatings market, with market size estimated at US$81.22 billion in 2025, and is expected to reach US$103.66 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of over 5%. Of which, China continues to dominate the market share and drive market expansion. Important market growth factors include rapid urbanization and industrialization, infrastructure expansion, wide usage of coatings in the end-user industry segments, increasing demands for eco-friendly and high-performance coatings to comply with environmental regulations, etc. First published in 1996 and actively being circulated in the Asia-Pacific region and among readers in major end-user industries, CCJ is an efficient bilingual channel alongside CHINACOAT series of exhibition to benefit advertisers' businesses.



An Omnichannel Strategy Fueling Business Growth

Being the only Official Publication for CHINACOAT series of exhibition, CCJ joins together an omnichannel approach from print advertising to digital ads and to exhibition traffic-driving tool, allowing advertisers to drive brand perception and extend its reach towards wider audience.


Elevating Marketing Efficiency with International Editorial Team

CCJ's Editorial Team and contributing writers can identify topics that are of importance and interests to readers, as well as hot in the market, ensuring the industry's needs and focuses are being addressed. Advertisers can consider articles' relevancy to provide own information accordingly, potentially locating ideal customers through content marketing.


Low Cost High Return "Print + Digital" Platform

Each issue of CCJ provides a print circulation of 9,000 and a digital circulation of 42,000. A special edition of Exhibition Directory is also published for CHINACOAT series of exhibition to be distributed onsite. Advertisers can leverage their budgets for further brand exposure while easily reach a significant share of target audience.


China Coatings Journal (CCJ) is published by Sinostar-ITE International Limited, with its registered office at Room 2101-2, 21/F., Jubilee Centre, 42-46 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. CCJ is published in 5 issues a year, in March, May, July, September and November.

ISSN of CCJ: 1682-4636